
Horizontal area "Cyber Security"


The structure of cyber threats is constantly changing, and the scale and consequences are ever-increasing. Threat actors are constantly adapting their strategies to the possibilities for realizing their benefits.

Cyber security incidents are already becoming daily news. In addition to organizations that are historically typical targets (financial institutions), the amount of attacks and abuses is also growing in the systems on which society operates and in smaller systems that have been relatively secure until recently. With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is the driving force behind the development of smart solutions (cities, networks, factories), the risk of cyber security has also expanded. The risks and known abuses come to unprecedented proportions. Recently, distributed service disabling (DDOS) attacks using “seized” IoT devices have reached incredible bandwidths. In addition, more and more organizations are proving how vulnerable smart solutions are. However, this is not only true in the field of IoT, the more society is digitized, the more room there will be for attacks, the greater the risks and the greater the consequences of attacks.

Benefits for businesses

Collaboration with experts and organizations in the field of cyber security companies gain knowledge, experience and technologies for comprehensive management of cyber risks, which begins with a change in awareness and security culture of the company.

Extended cybersecurity products offer built-in security and privacy. The companies they offer are today competitive with him in their field. Through the integration of security and privacy products into value chains and piloting in new application areas, conditions will be provided for the transfer of functionality and the extension of products to new industries. Piloting joint projects at the level of verticals the size of Slovenia will make a key contribution to the development of interconnected security products, which are managed by several different companies. Due to their specific testing in verticals, these mutually adapted and connected products will also be able to compete with safety products, which are independently sold by companies of the size of the whole of Slovenia.

How to benefit together

The field of cyber security offers easy-to-install products and services that support state-of-the-art security standards. We address tools for monitoring and controlling events in information systems, their analysis in order to detect threats and anomalies, tools to support the assessment of the effectiveness of countermeasures and other options that are necessary for the comprehensive management of cyber risks.

The tools also include solutions for identity management, authorization and access control, trust assurance, transparency of evidence, storage and management of digital transactions, blockchain technologies, anonymity, secure data storage, security in communication and data merging in the network, security and privacy management tools and confidentiality in data warehouses, tools for secure processing in big data, spatial data, digitization, and the Internet of Things.

Built-in cyber security and privacy features are key to digitizing and integrating IT systems and embedded in just about all application areas of verticals and value chains. We help companies combine security products and privacy services that are tailored to use in a particular industry or vertical. Embedded security and privacy are globally sought-after requirements (especially with the expansion of the IoT), which are becoming a necessary selling point in the successful marketing of all ICT products and services.

We start comprehensive cyber security in the product design phase. Already at this stage, it is necessary to make a risk analysis and clarify what the potential vulnerabilities are and what level of security we expect from the final product. Thus, appropriate safety mechanisms can be planned early enough to be properly integrated into the product design.

Why choose "Cyber Security"

Cyber security and privacy are key areas for digitization and integration of IT systems in all application areas, so this area is a special focus area within the ICT horizontal network. We are developing the Cyber Security Center, which is formed by a network of specialist competencies of Slovenian development institutions and companies, which helps companies with:

● Security solutions in the domain space of vertical and horizontal SRIPs: innovative provision of security and privacy for e-services and products of vertical and horizontal, research, planning, development, integration of security products and services.

● Integrated support for cyber security for small and medium-sized enterprises, public administration, and citizens throughout their life cycle.

● Education, training and awareness raising at all levels, preparation and maintenance of educational programs.

● Establishing a Community of PracticeOur contact persons are:

- Dr. Mojca Ciglarič,

- mag. Mihael Nagelj,, +386 40 200616