ICT horizontal network
Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana, 01 5898 000,

ICT horizontal network collaborators:
Andreja Lampe, head of the ICT horizontal network, andreja.lampe@gzs.si

Heads of individual horizontals:
Digital transformation: Rok Bojanc, ZZI d.o.o., rok.bojanc@zzi.si

GIS-T: Aleš Šuntar, IGEA d.o.o., ales.suntar@igea.si, Martin Puhar martin.puhar@igea.si

HPC in BigData: Janko Burgar, Cosylab d.d., Janko.Burgar@cosylab.com

Internet service: Ernest Žejn, Žejn, ernest.zejn@zejn.com

Internet of things: Prof.dr. ANDREJ KOS, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Andrej.Kos@fe.uni-lj.si

Cyber security: MIHAEL NAGELJ, SeKV, mihael.nagelj@gzs.si

Coordinators to individual SRIPs (designed to be as transparent as possible on the website):

For SRIP Smart buildings and home with a wood chain: dr. Andrej Kos, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, andrej.kos@fe.uni-lj.si

For SRIP Factories of the Future: mag. Nenad Sutanovac, nenad.sutanovac@gzs.si

For SRIP Networks for the Transition to a Circular Economy: dr. Andreja Lampe, andreja.lampe@gzs.si

For SRIP Sustainable food production: Andreja Lampe, andreja.lampe@gzs.si

For SRIP Sustainable Tourism: Andreja Lampe, andreja.lampe@gzs.si

For SRIP Factories of the Future: mag. Nenad Sutanovac, nenad.sutanovac@gzs.si

For SRIP Health and Medicine: Andreja Smole, CosyLab d.o.o., andreja.smole@cosylab.com

For SRIP Mobility: Tone Stanovnik, Špica Intrernational d.o.o., tone.stanovnik@spica.com

For other SRIPs, you can contact the head of the ICT horizontal network Andrej Lampa, andreja.lampe@gzs.si