
Organizationally, the ICT horizontal network (IKT_Hm) belongs under SRIP Smart Cities and Communities. It is defined as a set of enabling technologies and serves as support for all SRIP (Strategic Research Innovation Partnership) Smart Cities and Communities and SRIP verticals. IKT_Hm follows the vision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of making Slovenia a green reference country in digital Europe. The said referentiality is realized through an exemplary model of collaboration between the business sector, science and the government in the introduction of modern digital solutions into people’s lives.

Vision of ICT horizontal network

In the long run, establish a central operational support role of the economy in Slovenia, which with knowledge, technologies and activities decisively helps in the comprehensive digital transformation of Slovenian companies for the successful export of products, services and business models with high added value.

Horizontal ICT network strategy

The basic objective of IKT_Hm according to the S4 strategy is providing support to the developmental activities of all SRIPs in the field of ICT, above all in the preparation of foundations for the use and integration of ICT as enabling technologies. The digital transformation as a key paradigm of modern development and human progress removes the gap between ICT as a technology and different processes (industrial, business, citizen ...). Active collaboration between IKT_Hm and the other SRIP Smart Cities and Communities verticals and SRIPs shall therefore be its key task. In scope of IKT_Hm, we are going to focus on the development and implementation of integrated systems/platforms, and at the same time use our competence and solutions to support the developmental activities in the focus fields of individual SRIPs and SRIP Smart Cities and Communities verticals. Therefore, we are going to form intense relations with all the SRIPs, get involved in the value chains and participate in the development.

IKT_hm is going to actively support its members and new value chains in the penetration into foreign markets.

The ICT horizontal network contains the following content areas or horizontal:

Digital transformation

GIS-T - Location services

HCP and big data

Internet storitev

Internet of Things

Cyber security

Activities ICT_Hm

Preparation and implementation of events for SRIPs / creation of new market opportunities together with SRIPs

Participation in the establishment of development consortia

Promotion of the work and achievements of ICT_Hm members

Networking of ICT_Hm members

Preparation of content documents

Participation in the project Human Resources Development / Acquisition of New Personnel and Training of Existing in the Field of Digitization and Informatization by Establishing a Career Platform

Promote the internationalization and international business of ICT_Hm members and developed solutions and services


ICT_Hm is domiciled in SRIP PMiS, so it is proportionally included in PMIS bodies as well. Each of the 6 horizontal ICT_Hm has 2 representatives (company / RRI) in the PMiS program council, and the horizontal leaders participate in the coordination of the ICT_Hm Manager.

ICT_Hm is coordinated and organized by the Head of ICT_Hm, who, with the help of horizontal managers, coordinates the operation of the Horizontal Network as a whole and the connection with PMiS.

ICT Hm has its own Coordination, whose members are representatives of vertical SRIPs, the Executive Director of PMiS, the heads of ICT_Hm horizontal and the coordinators of ICT_Hm in SRIPs.

PMiS bodies and ICT_Hm


SRIP PMiS and ICT_Hm work comprehensively with joint membership of companies, universities, institutes and other organizations. This means that members of ICT_Hm are also members of SRIP PMiS and participate in research and development activities. ICT_Hm activities are carried out in collaboration with the membership and to provide benefits to the members.

Accession statement for membership in SRIP PMiS or The ICT horizontal network can be found here.

Accession statement for membership in SRIP PMiS or The ICT horizontal network can be found here.